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Paid or unpaid leave for employees who need to take time off from work to care for an immediate family or household member who’s sick, injured or has an unexpected emergency.

The process of an employee changing from casual to full-time or part-time employment.

An employee who accepts an offer for a job from an employer knowing that there is no firm advance commitment to ongoing work with an agreed pattern of work.

A document with information about employment conditions that an employer has to provide to all casual employees.

An additional amount paid on top of the base pay rate to casual employees.

A description of a job role in an award or registered agreement. It usually outlines the duties, responsibilities and qualifications for an employee. Classification levels affect minimum pay rates. As well as the duties of the job role, an employee’s classification may depend on their qualifications and experience levels. For example, an employee might need to hold a diploma or certificate, or have a certain amount of experience before they can progress to the next level.

The name of legislation (laws) introducing changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 and other workplace laws.

Pressuring someone to do or not do something through intimidation, force or threats.

An agreement registered with the Fair Work Commission that sets out minimum terms and conditions for regulated workers.

A payment made to an employee based on how much they sell.

A type of leave taken to participate in community service activities such as jury duty and voluntary emergency services.

Leave taken when a member of an employee’s immediate family or household is seriously ill or dies. Other known term: bereavement leave.

A conciliation is a confidential and less formal dispute resolution process between the parties to a workplace dispute at the Fair Work Commission.

A contract for services has a constitutional connection if one of the following applies:at least one party is:a constitutional corporationthe Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority, ora body incorporated in a territory in Australiathe work will be all done or mainly done in a territory in Australiathe contract was entered into in a territory in Australiaat least one of the parties is a person who is a resident in, or a company that has its principal place of business in, a territory in Australia, orthe work is done in the course of constitutional trade or commerce.

A financial or trading corporation formed in Australia or a foreign corporation. A business is usually a constitutional corporation if it has ‘Pty Ltd’ or ‘Ltd’ within its business name.

A constitutionally covered business is a proprietary limited company, a foreign corporation, a trading or financial corporation formed within the limits of the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth authority, a body corporate incorporated in a territory, a business or organisation conducted principally in a territory or Commonwealth place. It does not include sole traders, partnerships, some state government employees, corporations whose main activity is not trading or financial.

Where an employee quits but was forced to do so because of the conduct of their employer.

The total length of time that an employee has been working for an employer.

From 1 July 2024, the contractor high income threshold is $175,000.

A group of workers and businesses that work on the same task or service. Also known as a ‘supply chain’.

The failure to comply with an obligation within the Fair Work Act 2009, awards or registered agreements. Other known term: breach.

A coverage clause can be found in an award or registered agreement. It describes what types of employees and employers are covered by the award or registered agreement.