Fast Food Industry Award [MA000003]

Who the Fast Food Award covers

The Fast Food Award covers employers in the fast food industry and their employees who fit within the classifications of the award.

The fast food industry includes taking orders for, preparing, selling and delivering fast food (mainly take-away). Fast foods are meals, snacks and beverages:

  • to be consumed away from the point of sale
  • packaged in a way that customers can choose to take them somewhere else to consume
  • sold in food courts, shopping centres and retail complexes
  • prepared and sold by the business and delivered by a third party.

Examples of employees covered by the Fast Food Award include:

  • employees taking orders (including via an app), cooking and selling fast food
  • baristas (in fast food shops or take-away cafes)
  • delivery drivers
  • supervisors of these employees
  • employees in charge of a fast food / take-away shop or outlet
  • cafes where the main food or drink is sold (and packaged) for take-away.

The Fast Food Award also covers labour hire businesses and their employees who are placed with an organisation in the fast food industry.

Check the award for full information on who is covered and the classification descriptions.

Fast Food Industry Award [MA000003] clauses 2, 4 and 12

Who the Fast Food Award doesn’t cover

The Fast Food Award does not cover cafes, restaurants, coffee shops or bars where the business mainly sells food and beverages to be eaten on the premises and/or offers sit down and table service.

The Fast Food Award doesn’t cover employers and employees when they are covered by one of the following awards:

  • Restaurant Award
  • Hospitality Award
  • Retail Award.

The Fast Food Award also doesn't cover employees who are delivering goods prepared by a fast food business and aren't directly employed by them.

Check the award for full information on coverage and classifications.

Source reference: Fast Food Industry Award [MA000003] clauses 2, 4 and 12.

Not the right award?

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Find your pay and entitlements

Pay and entitlements less than the award?

Employees must be paid at least award pay rates and entitlements.

If your pay rates are less than the award, go to Help resolving workplace issues to follow our step by step guide on how you can fix it.

Fast Food Industry Award resources

We’ve made it easier for you to find information about your pay and entitlements under the Fast Food Industry Award. For more tailored information about your Award, visit our interactive tool.

We've got new and improved templates to help people in the Fast Food Industry. Try our interactive template tools.

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