Frequency of pay

Employees must be paid at least monthly and can be paid by one, or a combination of, the following:

  • cash
  • cheque, money order or postal order, payable to the employee
  • electronic funds transfer (for example, EFT or bank transfer).

Most awards, enterprise agreements or registered agreements will set out when employees must be paid (weekly, fortnightly or monthly). If it doesn't, employees must be paid at least monthly. 

Employees need to be paid money for their work - they cannot be 'paid in-kind' (for example, with goods such as food).

There are limited situations when an employer can:

  • make a deduction from an employee's pay
  • require an employee to pay money (for example, an overpayment).

Most of the time this isn't allowed - for example, 'cashback' schemes.

Find information about the payment of wages in your award, by selecting from the list below.

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Best practice tip

If paying wages by cash, the employer and employees should sign a record to confirm the amount of money that has been paid each pay period.

Source reference: Fair Work Act 2009 s.3

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